Monthly Archives

September 2012

Whole Life Insurance Policy

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Investor Query: Please let me have your advice on Whole Life Insurance Policy?

Mr. Gerard Colaco: Viewed from any angle, whole life insurance is a poor choice. First and foremost, the very concept of life insurance is not properly understood. Life insurance is a protection against sudden, unforeseen and unexpected loss of earning power. Clearly therefore, life insurance is not needed during a person’s entire life, only during a person’s financially productive life.

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The Concept & Advice on Parking Funds

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Mr. Gerard Colaco: Parking has two aspects. One is emergency funding. The other is pure parking. You are already familiar with the concept of an emergency fund.

An example to understand what is meant by pure parking. Suppose you have sold a real estate property for Rs 40 lakhs. With this money you want to buy another piece of real estate. You do not know whether you will be able to get a satisfactory unit of real estate in a week or a fortnight or a month or 6 months. But, the moment you identify a satisfactory real estate asset, if the price is right, you will want to conclude the deal immediately. So, the period of your investment is highly uncertain. The investment must therefore be very liquid and be readily available when you require it.

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